Wind Chimes Ceres - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-CER €35.83 Ceres tuning - E G B D 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Eris - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-ERI €35.83 Eris tuning - E G C D 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Jupiter - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-JUP €35.83 Jupiter tuning - G B C D 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Lune - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-LUN €35.83 Lune tuning - D Akebono 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Mars - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-MAR €35.83 Mars tuning - D F A C 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Mercure - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-MER €35.83 Mercure tuning - F G A D 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Neptune - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-NEP €35.83 Neptune tuning - E F G C 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Saturne - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-SAT €35.83 Saturne tuning - E A B C 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Soleil - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-SOL €35.83 Soleil tuning - E Major 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Terre - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-TER €35.83 Terre tuning - F Minor 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart
Wind Chimes Venus - Meditation Wind Chime - Beech HEO-VEN €35.83 Venus tuning - G A B D 432Hz Precise beech woodwork Artisanally made in Vendée - France Add to cart